The Simplest Tool For Dental Consent Records

We provide a secure cloud based HIPAA compliant platform with customizable consent forms to help build trust and predictability with patients so you can focus on what matters most: Patient care.

Dental Consent Cloud is a tool created for dentists, by dentists. We understand intimately the need for educating our patients to fully understand their procedure and options. Dental Consent Cloud will empower them to own their decisions and outcomes so that you can build more trust and improve communication.

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Why Choose Dental Consent Cloud

That's a fair question, and one we carefully considered before ever building this product! There are, of course, other solutions to handling record-keeping, but none of them are as simple to use as ours. When we say "created by dentists, for dentists", it's not just a marketing line. Dental Consent Cloud was founded by dentists who work with patients all day, every day, and we know how those other systems work. We found them to be overly complicated, needlessly expensive, and the opposite of efficient. We truly believe our solution is the better choice.

Strong Security
All of your practice's care plan documents will be stored with bank-level encryption, and there will never be a question as to the history of interaction with any given care plan. Our system catalogs every signature, every document change, and every notification to ensure you have the proof you need to protect your practice against any claims.
HIPAA Compliant
Our system is 100% HIPAA compliant, so you can rest easy knowing that your practice is protected from any HIPAA complaints related to your care plans. More importantly, your patients can rest easy knowing that the only people who can see their sensitive personal information are you and your staff.
Cloud Syncing
There's no software to download and no back-up procedures to consider. All your signatures and documents can be downloaded any time, all from our cloud-based web-app that will run on any device, any browser and any operating system you prefer to use! Your documents will remain in sync and downloadable for as long as you remain a customer of ours.
Easy Starter Templates
We built our system to be used by anyone, regardless of your technological background. If you can write an email or draft a simple Word Document, you'll be more than comfortable using our system using our simple three-minute demonstration video. And we'll give you dozens of example pre/post-op forms to start with!
Easily Configure & Send Treatment Protocols To Your Patients

Our system comes preloaded with the most common dental procedures that you commonly need pre or post-op care plans for. You can use our templates and add minor adjustments to them, or start from scratch. The choice is yours!

Track Your Patients' Interactions With Your Protocols

Sending out a care plan to a patient is as easy as one click once you've set up your care plan templates. Enter the patient's email address and they will receive their care plan, accessible via both desktop and mobile from anywhere in the world.

Proof of Communication You Can Bank On

Now you have indisputable proof that you sent your patient the care plan they needed for their procedure, that they received it, and that they agreed to it. Not only that, but our system will track any interaction that has ever happened with the document in question.

Happy Patients & Dentists

But don't take our word for any of this. Just read what our happy patients and dentists have to say about Dental Consent Cloud and the many headaches relieved by our system.

"We used to have patients sign a physical form at the office, but sometimes, after a procedure, there would be a dispute about when or if the patient was notified about their post-op care plan. Now, there's no disputing it, and it's available to both sides at all times!"

Dr. Gurpreet Khurana
Dentistry of Bellevue
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Need More Support?

We'll be happy to help demonstrate the system to you in a 1-on-1 call with one of our setup experts. Just click the button below to get a meeting scheduled whenver it's most convenient for you and your practice.

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